Fate of the 2020 Election Secretly Lies in the Hands of New Voters

On November 3, the fate of America will rest in the hands of the upcoming generation, as new voters will control the majority of the outcome of this approaching election.

With a race war brewing just under our noses and the pandemic putting millions of Americans at risk for illness, more factors have been added to the decision that millions of Americans make every four years.

Sadia Lester, a first-time voter, Democrat, and Sophomore at California State Northridge, feels that these current events have definitely played a big role in her decision.

“Oh yeah, I’ve definitely considered the way Trump has been handling the pandemic and the BLM protests, and all kinds of things like that when deciding on a candidate,” said Lester. “For me, a black woman, considering how a president would handle my life is definitely important to me.”

Aria Fulton, a student at Loyola Marymount University, also agrees with taking these events into consideration.

“So definitely my race affects how I vote as a black woman–Being in struggling communities, and seeing how we do need government assistance– we do need a candidate who is going to support those,” she said.

She believes that a person’s place in society can greatly affect the way they vote, and how things like citizenship and race are some of the most important parts. For her, it’s important to vote for all people, especially those who need help, and your own status isn’t the only factor to take into consideration.

“Maybe you need help,” said Fulton. “Maybe you have an awesome business and you don’t really need that government help, and you’re okay without that, but some people really do need it, and I’ve just seen both sides of it, and I feel more comfortable voting for the Democratic party.”

This seemed to be a common theme amongst the first-time voters that were interviewed; all of them mentioned they planned to vote for all people rather than for their own benefit. It was important to consider everyone’s lives, races, sexualities, and safety before making their final decision.

“Well, yeah, I do think that’s one of the biggest differences between, like, Democrats and Republicans, you know?” said Lester. “Their [Democrat] beliefs are that everyone is important. Republicans, it’s all about their own benefit.”

Lester believes that one’s opinions are not the only thing that fuels people’s decisions when voting, as the people around you, and your upbringing also greatly influence this. There are other factors, as stated by Aria Fulton, some of which are the distribution of power between the state and the people.

“I think one of the main differences between the Democrats and Republicans are government control,” Fulton said. ”Republicans prefer a more state-controlled government, more individual, whereas democrats prefer the state government combined with federal having a bit more power so they can provide their own assistance to the people.”

As a whole, the first-time voters of this presidential election who were interviewed appear to be very well informed on the important decision they are making for our nation. They’re considering a lot when making their decision.