Fall 2022 Spirit Week

Week 12 at Da Vinci Communications, which spanned from Oct. 31 to Nov. 4, was spent celebrating the first spirit week of the 2022-2023 school year. School pride is something that is highly valued at DVC, and spirit week was a great opportunity for students to show their pride towards their school. 


MONDAY – Halloween Costume

The first day of spirit week happened to luckily land on a very important day of the year…Halloween! This day was a perfect chance for students to celebrate and express their creative and passionate sides in their amazing costumes. With this day falling on a school day, students were also able to show off their costumes to their peers and staff at the DVC Costume Contest. Ryann Frye, the DVC senior who came to school as a witch, expressed her opinions on this year’s spirit week. 


“I love [DVC spirit week], it makes me feel like really a part of the school,” stated Frye. “I liked people’s costumes this year…people are really creative.”


TUESDAY – Pajama Day

Tuesday at DVC was spent comfortably as it was Pajama Day! This day was a perfect opportunity for students to be able to wake up, roll out of bed, and show up to school happy and cozy in their pajamas. Melanie Groba, a senior at DVC, is a student who prioritizes her education but wouldn’t miss the opportunity to dress comfortably for her classes. 

“This year, a lot of people have been participating, more people than I’ve ever seen…Today is probably my favorite day, or second to yesterday because everyone got to dress comfortably, which is always nice” she said. “I’m part of leadership, so I helped plan it, and tried to choose things that we thought would get a lot of participation.”

Almost all of the student body as well as the staff participated in this spirit day!


WEDNESDAY – Anything but a Backpack

Wednesday was an interesting and fun day for the students and staff at DVC. It was “Bring Anything but a Backpack Day!” Students were encouraged to bring their school supplies in anything but a backpack. Some alternatives we saw included: shoe boxes, buckets, wagons, flower pots, cooking pans, ice coolers, and in this student’s case, a trash bag.

“Halloween was probably my favorite day, but I also like today,” Braden Tait, a sophomore full of DVC spirit expressed.

It was extremely fun seeing how creative students were able to get for this spirit day! 





Now, onto the fourth day of spirit week. Thursday was twin day. Many students dressed up with their friends, and the the students showcased in this picture are: David Ortiz, Leah Sosa, Olivia Perea, and Nicholas Valqui. Aw, how cute! We loved this twinning-couple-duo. These two matching pairs expressed their school spirit.  

“I think it was really fun to see the different teachers and students dressed up…[especially] the staff matching with wigs, I found that really funny,” Perea stated. 

“It’s really important to show the school’s culture and how everyone can come together and participate,” Valqui expressed. 

Students had a lot of fun matching up with their close friends. It was so interesting to see who twinned with one another! 


FRIDAY – Class Colors

Finally, after a long week, we have made it to Friday! Friday’s spirit theme was class colors. Students were encouraged to wear the color assigned to their class. The colors correlated with grade levels were: freshmen wear green, sophomores were pink, juniors were blue, and last–but definitely not least–seniors were purple. Students in all grades were able to show pride in their class by dressing up according to their class color. 

We loved the range of dedication that was shown! There were some students who went above and beyond and wore a fully monochromatic look (including make-up!), while some simply wore a shirt of their given color.

Showcased in this photo is: Samiah Smith, Arianna Goldfarb, and Naomi Arias, the latter two repping class spirit with their sophomore pink. When asked about Friday’s spirit day, the three students all agreed that they enjoyed this day.

All three let out exclamations of, “Yeah- it was cute,” “I really liked it,” and “It was fun!”

“[Spirit week] is really important because it brings our whole school together and we’re all able to bond over the same thing” Goldfarb stated. 

This day allowed for students to express their appreciation and acknowledgement to their grade level, which allowed students to solidify their bonds with their peers in their grade!



Overall, Spirit Week at DVC was a very successful and fun week that was full of support towards DVC. This was a great Spirit Week that definitely got students excited for more to come!