The Burden of Homework on High School Students

A research study conducted in 2013, by Stanford University, surveyed more than 4,500 students at upper-middle-class high schools in California. Researchers found that students who do more than 3 hours of homework every day not only experience more stress, but also physical health problems, alienation from society, and a lack of balance in their life. 

According to Stanford University researchers, “When it came to stress, more than seventy percent of students said they were ‘often or always stressed over schoolwork,’ with fifty-six percent listing homework as a primary stressor. Less than one percent of the students said homework was not the stressor.” 

Leila Bradford, a twelfth-grade student at DVC said, “Majority of my stress comes from school with barely any being from outside activities.”

The researchers conducting this study also found that with students spending too much time on homework, they were not developing their critical thinking skills or developmental skills. Kristina Becht, a math teacher at DVC, spoke on the subject and believes that giving students tons of homework is damaging, but the main purpose is to help students practice the things they learn in class.  

Students in the Stanford study reported that they felt an obligation to put homework first and over the development of other skills and talents. They are more likely to decline activities, give up hobbies, and stop going out to see friends and family. 

Denise Pope, co-author of the study, senior lecturer at Stanford University School of Education said, “Our findings on the effect of homework challenge the traditional assumption that homework is inherently good.”

There are good aspects of homework according to iDTech and Britannica. Included in these good aspects is higher academic success, the development of life skills and study habits, the enrichment of student learning, and it is a portal into students’ school life for parents. 

A study led by professor Harris Cooper at Duke University found statistical evidence from homework-related researched studies that suggest middle and high school students score higher on tests and get better grades than students who do not regularly do their homework. The study led by professor Harris Cooper concluded, “For upper high school students, after about two hours’ worth, more homework was not associated with higher achievement.”

Johns Hopkins Researchers found an interactive homework process that improves student achievement. This interactive process is called TIPS. TIPS stands for “Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork.” “Students in the TIPS group earned significantly higher report card grades after 18 weeks than did non-TIPS students. With the use of TIPS feelings for homework became positive for both students and parents.” 

Becht concluded that students should manage their time wisely and take advantage of the things offered at DVC. Flex Block and Study Hall Seminars are two great ways to get caught up on homework, clear any misunderstandings with teachers, and get any additional help.