Texas Abortion Ban Takes The Nation by Storm

The Texas Abortion Ban had been an idea in the air since the middle of May. It went into effect on Sept. 1, prohibiting abortion as soon as Carica activity is present. That is around six weeks when many women still don’t know that they are pregnant.

If a Texas citizen reports that a woman had an abortion at a clinic or received aid, the doctor or person who helped could be fined $10,000. The ban does not offer exceptions for cases of rape or incest. Some people believe that abortion is wrong and shouldn’t be an option available while others believe that women should have the right to choose.

San Antonio Doctor Alan Braid became the first to perform an abortion after the ban was made. Since then, there have been at least two lawsuits made against the doctor. In a New York Times article entitled “Texas Doctor Says He Performed an Abortion in Defiance of New State Law,” he discussed his reasoning for breaking the six-week abortion ban. 

I acted because I had a duty of care to this patient, as I do for all patients, and because she has a fundamental right to receive this care,” Dr. Braid wrote. “I fully understood that there could be legal consequences — but I wanted to make sure that Texas didn’t get away with its bid to prevent this blatantly unconstitutional law from being tested.”

Dr. Braid has been conducting abortions for forty years. He had performed the abortion for one woman on Sep. 6. Although still in her first trimester, she met the requirements to make abortion illegal.

Many Texans feel that the ban on abortion violates their freedom and because of that, there should also be a fee/punishment for people who do not wear masks or are unvaccinated due to the high number of Covid-19 deaths in Texas alone. Linda Drum had written to the editor of “Justices’ Silence Lets Texas Halt Most Abortions,” in the New York Times.

“Since Texas is allowing regular citizens to sue anyone aiding and abetting an abortion, then maybe it can also have a law that would allow Texans to sue people not wearing a mask or refusing to get vaccinated. After all, the legislators are against abortions because they feel it is murdering innocent children. Refusing to take the proper steps to avoid getting and giving to others the potentially deadly Covid-19 is along the same lines,” Drum said.