The Bullying Catastrophe

Young Americans ages 12-18 get bullied within one school year. 160,000 of those teens tend to skip school at least every month because of how unsafe they feel getting bullied.

School environments we are surrounded by are filled with dreams and bright futures that are being crushed poorly by the effect of physical and emotional afflict.

This is a worldwide catastrophe that deserves vicious and crucial measures. This is called bullying.

What will be best is everyone as a school community working together every day to figure out new ways to collaborate and help each victim or start to stand up for the victim and make a positive difference in their lives.

The empowerment to stop bullying occurs in October, National Bullying Prevention Month, which coincidentally falls on LGBTQ+ history month as well. It’s around this when more action is needed to speak upon bullying and to try and make a difference. Most importantly, this is the time to show young people the necessary support.

The discern differences would often make bullying incidents worse. With that, it makes the bullying catastrophe more impactful to those who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Nationwide, usually more U.S. high school students who are identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual have reported that they have been bullied on school property (33%) and cyberbullied (27.1%) in the past year, according to LGBTQ Youth; while 17.1% and 13.3%, respectively of their heterosexual peers reported being bullied. The study also shows that more LGBTQ+ students than heterosexual students reported not going to school because of the cause of bullying and their safety concerns.

The struggle of getting bullied and being part of the LGBTQ+ community is important to the teenagers that open up about their story. With more than 10 stories on amp, anyone can make a difference in providing advice to make the bullying situation decrease within our communities.

Daniel Segobiano, a student at The University of California Santa Cruz, was in kindergarten when he opened up and felt accepted. Other people, however, didn’t like the way he expressed himself…

Young Segobaino wasn’t able to play with the other boys because he was ‘too gay,’ he was frequently labeled as ‘too girly,’ the hardest part was being denied around masculine groups because they didn’t want to be hit on by a ‘gay boy.’
His advice is to inform adults how important it is to bring in more representation on bullying and being a part of the LGBTQ+ community.

We all must take part in the critical bullying catastrophe to build a better environment where respect, loyalty, and compassion is well recognized, an environment where everyone can help each other to be happy and succeed.